I still curate on the web and sometimes I ask myself why, Visiting lecturer (2025)
At AALTO University, Finland, for the MA Curating Change

Talking Heads: a video commentary on the online exhibition ‘For Data You Are, And To Data You Shall Return’, Respondent (2023)
At: arebyte AOS; online

Curating Outside the Gallery, Visiting lecturer (2022)
At Sapienza University Rome, Italy, for the BA in Art History - Curatorial Practices and Histories

Curating Spaces, Visiting lecturer (2022)
At Liverpool Johns Moore University, United Kingdom, for the MA Curating programme

Curating Across Spaces: Online and Off, Visiting lecturer (2021)
At NABA, Milan, Italy, for the Multimedia Languages course

What would have happened to me without the internet?, Respondent (2021)
For: Covid Glossary Symposium; at the School of Environment and Architecture, Mumbai, India

The Broken Timeline, Speaker with Annet Dekker and Gaia Tedone (2021)
For: Calculating Control Symposium; at Zentrum für Netzkunst, Berlin, Germany

2020: Digital Odyssey – #1 The Infamous Precedents, Speaker (2021)
For: Curating Online - Online Curating Symposium organised by Masaryk University as part of Brno Art Week 2021, Czech Republic

Curating Across Spaces, Visiting lecturer and tutor (2020)
At HDK-Valand at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden

At Home in the Network, Respondent (2020)
For: Future Focus: Art Hack Practice Session II, curated by Victoria Bradbury and Suzy O'Hara for FutureEverything; online

Curating Online and Offline, Speaker (2019)
For: Technology for the Arts Seminar; at ArtIllume, Bangalore, India

Platform curating: a brief history of networked strategies and their entanglement with web technology, Conference paper (2019)
For: RESAW19: The Web that Was, Digital Art panel; at University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

#exstrange: Hijacking E-Commerce for Art, Conference paper (2018)
For: Anywhere & Elsewhere Conference; at Parsons School of Design, The New School, New York, USA

Approaching curation as storytelling across sites, Visiting lecturer (2018)
At STAMPS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

Curating in between spaces, Speaker (2018)
For: DATARAMA series curated by Dominc Smith; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Silicon Plateau Vol—1, Speaker (2017)
For: Creative Encounters with Science and Technology Symposium; at the Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2016, Kochi, India

Poetics of Technology in Performance, Speaker (2017)
For: Attakkalari India Biennial 2017 Conference; at Alliance Française, Bangalore, India

Shifts: A brief history of exhibition formats online, Speaker (2016)
At Konstfrämjandet, Stockholm, Sweden

The performativity of the web: formats of documentation and archive of web-based art, Speaker (2016)
For: Conservation and Restauration of Digital Media study day organised by Domenico Quaranta; at Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara, Italy

Moving Images, Web Platforms and Distributed Contexts, Visiting lecturer and tutor (2015)
At Camberwell College of Arts, London, UK

Curating web platforms: the rise of the distributed exhibition, online and offline, Conference paper (2014)
For: Uncertain Spaces: Virtual Configurations in Contemporary Art and Museums; at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal

Curating online and shifts in exhibition formats, Conference paper (2014)
For: Thinking Digital Arts Panel, Thinking Digital Conference; at Discovery Museum, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Curating online: distributive exhibitions, Visiting lecturer (2014)
For: Humanities course programmed by Andy Weir; at Lincoln Science Centre, Oxford, UK

Symposium: Landscapes: From the Romantic to the Digital Age, Speaker with Prof. Beryl Graham (2014)
At Whitechapel, London, UK

Space: no one lives here by Rachel Falconer, Speaker (2013)

Into Practice: Sharing Session, Speaker with Victoria Bradbury, Suzy O’Hara and Dominic Smith (2013)
At ISIS Art, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Curating online and liveness, Speaker (2013)
For: Live Art in 2113, 2013 Live Art UK Associates Gathering curated by Fierce Festival; at MAC, Birmingham, UK

Distributed Curating And Modes Of Interaction, Speaker (2013)
For: Run Computer, Run Symposium; at Rua Red gallery, Dublin, Ireland

Hybrid curatorial models: Working in-between the online and offline, Conference Paper (2013)
Co-author with Victoria Bradbury, Roddy Hunter, Suzy O’Hara and Dominic Smith.
In: ISEA2013 Conference proceedings, Learning from the CRUMB Method, Sydney, Australia

A conversation about art writing, Speaker and organiser (2013)
At T.A.J. Residency & SKE Projects, Bangalore, India

Curating online: a talk about, Speaker (2013)
At The Centre for Internet Society, Bangalore, India

Six Conversations on Curation: A Conversation about Digital Presence, Moving Objects and Where the Work is, Speaker (2012)
In conversation with Gil Leung; at LUX, London, UK

A conversation between Mark Fisher and Matthew Gandy, Panel moderator (2012)
For: The Really Wild Show; at SPACE Studios, London, UK and publishing online/offline, Speaker (2012)
For: eShelf, an A-Z of independent publishing online; at X Marks the Bökship, London, UK

Professional Practice: Distribution Seminar, Speaker (2012)
At LUX, London, UK

Working through and beyond web-based video platforms: towards a redefinition of moving images, Panelist (2012)
For: Contemporary Currents Symposia, LUX/ICA Moving Image Biennial; at Institute of Contemporary Art, London, UK

Keep up with its pace. It is not a mere technological innovation, Speaker (2011)
For: Cafe Curio: Broadcasting; at Camden Arts Centre, London, UK

Curating in-between online and offline sites, Visiting lecturer and tutor (2011)
For: Visiting Artists' Talks Programme”, visiting lecturer and tutor; at York St John University, York, UK

Cross-platform narratives and movements between sites, Speaker (2011)
For: Narrative Futures Symposium; at FACT, Liverpool, UK

Curating online and distributing it across platforms, Speaker (2011)
For: Showing and Sharing. Discussing current ways of communicating art on the web organised by Low&Hi as part of Folkestone Triennial Fringe; Folkestone, UK

Why websites are good houses for art and artists, Speaker (2011)
1-minute provocation in response to the question, what makes a good home for art (and for artists) and how can we ensure there are more of them?
For: Flash Conference as part of State of the Arts Conference 2011, London , UK

A brief history of curating online, Speaker (2011)
For: Digital Content Development day: Live Art and Institutions on the web; at Fierce Festival, Birmingham, UK


Writing in the Curatorial Framework, Workshop leader with Vidya Shividas (2020)
For Reading the Present: A Workshop on Art Writing at FICA and Asia Art Archive India, New Delhi

Curating Data: Care, Commons and Networks - speculative methods for curating data, Workshop leader with Annet Dekker, Gaia Tedone and Magda Tyzlik-Carver (2020)
At the Digital Methods Summer School 2020 at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
> Workshop summary here

Humanazing Technology: Unproductive Solutions workshop, Workshop leader with Rebekah Modrak (2019)
At the New Media Caucus (NMC) Border Control Symposium at the Penny W. Stamps School of Art and Design and at the Ross School of Business at University of Michigan, USA.

L'arte sul web: nuove piattaforme per la fotografia, Workshop leader (2016)
Corso Curatori; Fondazione Fotografia Modena, Modena, Italy

Curator's Forum Workgroup session in Kochi, Workshop leader and organiser with Julia Villaseñor (PRACforum Delhi) (2014)
A collateral project of Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2014; at Yousuf Building, Fort Kochi, India

Complementary exhibition sites, Workshop leader (2014)
As part of C I R C U L A R a publishing project organised by Kirsty Hendry; at Embassy Gallery, Edinburgh, UK

Into Practice 'Book Sprint'; Workshop leader and organiser with Victoria Bradbury, Suzy O'Hara and Dominic Smith (2014)
Book sprint event with Victoria Bradbury, Suzy O’Hara and Dominic Smith; at Banner Repeater, London, UK

Hybrid Curatorial Models: Producing and Publishing in-between offline and online dimensions, Workshop leader and organiser (2013)
A CRUMB professional development workshop w/Sarah Cook in collaboration with Sarai-CSDS; at Sarai-CSDS, New Delhi, India

Writing sound, Workshop organiser (2012)
A workshop led by Daniela Cascella as part of activity; at The Northern Charter, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Distribution And Dissemination After New Media, Workshop organiser with Sarah Cook and Beryl Graham (2012)
A CRUMB professional development workshop organised as part of AV Festival 2012; at Literary and Philosophical Society Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

(played as part of the above presentation)

art curator ⋋ art+tech+humans ⋌

View - point
Left right top point
Left right flat point
Left right flat point

Of view point

Of view point

Break (down)
Left right half point (down)
Left right half point (down)
Left right half point (down)
Left right half point (down)
Left right half point (down)
Left right half point (down)
Left right half point (down)
Left right half point (down)
Left right half point (down)
Left right half point (down)
Left right half point (down)
Left right half point (down)

Break (down)
Point of
Point of
Point (down) (flat)
Point (down) (flat)
Point (down) (flat)
Point (down) (flat)
Point (down) (flat)
Point (down)

Left right top point (down)
Left right top point (of)
View - point
Left right top point (down)
Left right top point (down) (flat)
Point (down) (flat)

Break (down)
Left right point of view
Point (down)
Left right top point of view
Point (down)
Left right top point of view
Point (down)
Left right top point of view
Point (down)
Left right top point of view
Point (down)
Left right top point of view
Point (down)
Left right top point of view
Point (down)
Left right top point of view
Point (down)
Left right top point of view
Point (down)
Left right top point of view
Point (down)
Left right top point of view
Point (down)
Left right top point of view

— Point of View Point by Cornelius