art curator ⋋ art+tech+humans ⋌

My work often explores the intersections between art, technology and society, particularly the way in which technology (and the ideas of ‘progress’ and ‘betterment’ associated with it) morphs behaviours, relationships between people and with the environment, and the way knowledge is produced — I am also interested in observing the way technology is shaped by the uses we make of it.

Since my PhD with CRUMB (University of Sunderland, 2015), I have researched the field of curating on the web, and its relationship with the development of internet technology by contributing to edited books and journals. Recently, I published the research project (online, 2021-) with the support of the Italian Council - 9th Edition (IT) and the Exhibition Research Lab at Liverpool John Moores University (UK), and the archive The Broken Timeline (Valiz, 2022) conceived with Annet Dekker and Gaia Tedone.

I like to think of exhibitions as ways of telling stories that exist across spaces and amongst people — I have curated them online, in gallery spaces, on a river canal, on mobile phones, on the radio and in print, and I have worked with artists, writers, designers, musicians and anthropologists. I am keen on creating platforms for discussion and sharing; an interest that triggered projects like the curatorial platform (2009-2015), the project #exstrange (2017) with artist Rebekah Modrak, and the publishing series Silicon Plateau (2015-) with artist Tara Kelton.

I support practice-based research and research-based work and I share this with students when I teach courses in curating, art & technology, and publishing & archiving, or when I give talks and organise workshops.

Currently I work as an independent curator, also under the moniker ://ftp with Gaia Tedone.

2009-present > Curator and researcher
2024-2025 > Scientific Advisor for the Capacity-building Project “Spazi Culturali Virtuali” for Socialis, Brescia, Italy
2023-present > Associate Lecturer of New Media History and Theory at Accademia Santa Giulia; Brescia, Italy
2021-2023 > Consultant for the research, development and coordination of Arts & Culture Projects for the City of Brescia and of the art centre MO.CA - centro per le nuove culture for Fondazione ASM; Brescia, Italy
2021-2022 > Curatorial Research Fellow at Exhibition Research Lab (ERL) at Liverpool John Moores University; Liverpool, UK
2015–2021 > Professor in the School of Media, Arts and Sciences [Course Leader of BA in Experimental Media Arts (2015 –2018) and MA in Curatorial Practices - Film, Media and Visual Arts (2018 – 2021)] and coordinator of CEMA - Centre for Experimental Media Arts at Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design and Technology; Bangalore, India
2015–2016 > Director of Programmes at T-A-J Residency; Bangalore, India
2009–2015 > Founder Director of; online and UK
2010–2012 > Associate Curator at Grand Union; Birmingham, UK
2009–2010 > Research and Curatorial Assistant at Sound Threshold; London, UK
2008–2009 > Film/Video Archivist at LUX and British Artist’ Films & Video Study Collection at Central Saint Martins; London, UK
2007–2008 > Project Assistant at Cape Farewell; London, United Kingdom
2006–2007 > Gallery Assistant at Seventeen; London, United Kingdom
1999-2005 > Production manager for an industrial manufacturing company; Concesio, Italy

2022 > Arts Engine - University of Michigan, with Rebekah Modrak; USA
2021 > Mobility First! Collaboration Grants by Asia-Europe Cultural Mobility; Singapore
2020 > Italian Council (9th Edition) by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture; Italy
2017 > Center for South Asian Studies and Ross School of Business at University of Michigan; USA/India
2017 > Project Anywhere (Centre of Visual Arts, University of Melbourne, and Parsons Fine Art, The New School); USA/AUS
2017 > Grants — finalist; USA
2016 > Curatorial residency at Art Lab Gnesta; Sweden
2015 > Researchers at Work (RAW) - The Centre for Internet and Society; Bangalore, India
2013 > Arts and Humanities Research Council - Disseminating Research; UK/AUS
2012 > Grants for the Arts, Arts Council England; UK
2012 > Arts and Humanities Research Council - International Placement Scheme; UK/India
2011 > Arts and Humanities Research Council - Doctoral Scholarship, University of Sunderland; UK
2011 > The Independents, Cultural Leadership Programme at Battersea Art Centre; London, UK
2010 > Grants for the Arts, Arts Council England; UK

2011-2015 > PhD in Curatorial Studies and New Media; with CRUMB at University of Sunderland; UK
2008-2009 > MA in Critical Writing and Curatorial Practice (Distinction) at Chelsea College of Art and Design; London, UK
2000-2005 > BA (Hons) DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo), Faculty of Literature and Philosophy,
with a thesis in Museology (Distinction); at University Cattolica; Brescia, Italy

2021 > Peers 2021, Khoj Studios; New Delhi, India
2017 > Experimenta India Festival; Bangalore, India
2013 > Tomorrow and Tomorrow /// The Big Trip: Permacultures Residency at SPACE Studios; London, UK
2012 and 2013 > Grand Union Annual Open Submission for Curators at Grand Union; Birmingham, UK

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⩣ Each presentation format has politics inscribed within it. — Annette Schindler, 2004
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